<!--:en-->Exhibition Game Developer at ITS<!--:--><!--:id-->Pameran Game Developer di ITS Surabaya<!--:-->

Exhibition Game Developer at ITSPameran Game Developer di ITS Surabaya


On August 31, 2014, we Ericova Indonusa with Falkana Studio Project held a joint exhibition at the ITS building. Introducing a new atmosphere in the world of game developers Indonesia, especially Surabaya.


We introduce Garudayana Chibi Adventure game. Visitors are very enthusiastic, even we are still new in the gaming world of special concern among colleagues – fellow developers as well as visitors to the exhibition.


Hopefully we can participate in the next exhibition. Thank you for the support of Ericovamili gentlemen.





For reservations and consultation website / software / cctv / product photography for your business or company you can add contact us at:

pin BB : 75BC816A
YM : ericovaproject
LINE : ericova
Whatsapp : 08993463715.

CV. Ericova Project Indonusa
::: Solusi Kebutuhan Website dan Software Usaha Anda :::
Office : Ruko Klampis Jaya 33N Surabaya
Telp : 031-770-19012
Fax : 031-8963256
Web : www.ericova.com
Email : info@ericova.comimage

Pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2014, kami Ericova Project Indonusa bersama Falkana Studio mengadakan pameran bersama di gedung ITS Surabaya. Memperkenalkan suasana baru dalam dunia game developer Indonesia, khusunya Surabaya.


Kami mengenalkan game Garudayana Chibi Adventure. Pengunjung sangat antusias, bahkan kami yang masih baru dalam dunia game mendapat perhatian khusus dari kalangan rekan – rekan sesama developer serta pengunjung pameran.


Semoga kami dapat berpartisipasi dalam pameran selanjutnya. Terima kasih atas dukungan dari Ericovamili sekalian.





Untuk pemesanan dan konsultasi website/software/cctv/photography product untuk usaha anda atau perusahaan anda bisa add kontak kami di :
pin BB : 75BC816A
YM : ericovaproject
LINE : ericova
Whatsapp : 08993463715.

CV. Ericova Project Indonusa
::: Solusi Kebutuhan Website dan Software Usaha Anda :::
Office : Ruko Klampis Jaya 33N Surabaya
Telp : 031-770-19012
Fax : 031-8963256
Web : www.ericova.com
Email : info@ericova.com